What’s Really Causing Inflation.
As many of our neighbors struggle to maintain the lifestyle they have had, Keystone Fair Business Partners Member Gary Heasley explains the amassment of consumer debt and the massive government spending, waste, fraud, and abuse that are the real causes of inflation. (0:30). Longer-format version below. (1:51)
If False Narratives Bother You, Join Us
One of the values of your Keystone Fair Business Partners Membership is the countering of false messaging, and the delivery of honest information about important issues that affect American Businesses and Families. Such as this: According to the Heritage Foundation, between March 2020 and December 2022, the federal government spent $7.5 trillion – more than $57,400 per household.
From “What Americans Should Know About Inflation,” HeritageAction.com/Inflation
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Longer-format Inflation Video
As many of our neighbors struggle to maintain the lifestyle they have had, Keystone Fair Business Partners Member Gary Heasley explains the amassment of consumer debt and the massive government spending, waste, fraud, and abuse that are the real causes of inflation. (1:51). Short-format version above. (0:30)