

Here’s where you’ll find our video content.

Video is such a powerful medium for today’s fast-paced, visual society. It’s efficient to engage with and easy to share. Here’s where you’ll find our complete library of content, which we’re constantly improving and expanding to meet the needs of our friends and Members.

Immigration Overload

KFBP Member Gary Heasley cites U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reporting of 10.5 million encounters, with at least 2 million ‘gotaways,’ over the past four years. This not immigration, but an invasion. He asks “Do we save this nation, or let it drift off into the dust…” (0:30). Longer-format version. (1:11)

How to Overcome Election Fraud

Friend to Keystone Fair Business Partners Gregory Stenstrom speaks about how disheartened people are continually hearing about “the safest and most secure elections ever,“ and how we can overwhelm election fraud by voting in person at the polls on election day. (0:30)

How the Steal Occurred

Gregory Stenstrom, a friend and ally to Keystone Fair Business Partners, explains the two methods used during the 2020 election to change the end results, focusing on the fraudulent injection of specious electronic votes into the system via USB sticks. (1:03)

The Value of Membership

Keystone Fair Business Partners co-founder Gary Daniels explains how the Association started, and the huge impact that an anonymous, tax-deductible Membership delivers for local businesses and families, providing engagement and accessibility to necessary factual information. (1:35)

Math Problem

Election Process Improvement Expert Gregory Stenstrom explains that, of the 3,143 counties in the United States, it only takes 20 to swing the entire outcome of the national election. And those 20 counties are where the bad actors focused in the 2020 and 2024 election cycles. (1:15)

What’s Really Causing Inflation

As many of our neighbors struggle to maintain their lifestyle, Keystone Fair Business Partners Member Gary Heasley explains the amassment of consumer debt and the massive government spending, waste, fraud, and abuse that are the real cause of inflation. (0:30) . Longer-format version. (1:51)

How to Counter Cheating

Gregory Stenstrom, in his role as Election Process Improvement Expert, describes the many different vectors for election manipulation, and the strategic plan to introduce evidence to the legislatures during the certification period that show evidence of massive election fraud. (1:11)

The Book on Beating Election Fraud

After witnessing fraud in the November 2020 election, Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes wrote the book on the mechanics of how it was stolen. Tested in court, they won their case. In this video Stenstrom notes that “the people who stole the election did exactly what we said they did.” (1:14)

We Need Your Support

In this video, Gregory Stenstrom outlines the election process improvement plan going forward but requests support. He cites the need for lawyers, documenters, and professionals who can raise public awareness, among many other skill sets, and asks for backing. (1:03)