For the last 40 years, this Constitutional Republic has become a swampy stew rather than a clear consommé. The 1984 Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council Supreme Court ruling provided that unidentified, hired bureaucrats be deemed subject “experts” to interpret intentionally vague laws. This became known as the “Chevron deference.” Employees from over 400 government agencies were allowed to determine the Congressional intent of laws and then enforce said laws with rules of the agencies’ choosing. There was little to no accountability or judicial over-site to reel in regulators or their quasi-laws. Citizens complained to local municipalities or Congress, who pointed fingers at agencies, who pointed to the U.S. Supreme Court decision which empowered the bureaucrats. It is the epitome of a swampy stew that citizens were forced to swallow.

Over the years, citizens fought the overreach of agency regulations on personal and business interests without much success. Then came June 28, 2024. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on two cases (Relentless v. Department of Commerce and Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo) and overturned the “Chevron deference.” By overturning this ruling, the court reclaimed judicial oversight of government agencies as was established by the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946. It removes the automatic expert status given to agency officials in the executive branch and allows the judicial branch to interpret laws as was intended by the country’s founders. Like a clear soup where what you see is what you get, this ruling provides the public a Constitutional consommé.

Bottom line…

It will take some time and additional litigation to undo many of the regulations imposed on citizens by the executive branch of government (i.e. EPA, FAA, IRS, FDA, and more). However, there is now firm footing for the fight. Join us in thanking the U.S. Supreme Court for providing nourishing consommé for this ailing nation!

Happy Independence Day!