Where Is the Outrage?

Do you remember this picture of young Elián González terrorized by federal agents in 2000 due to a custody dispute between his American relatives and Cuban father? There was worldwide outrage over the manner in which Immigration and Naturalization Service agents removed this 7-year-old child from his temporary residence in Little Havana, Miami.

22 Years Later…

Please click on the picture above for a quick overview of the Mark Houck arrest, or click here for the full LifeSite news article.

Mark Houck is a Bucks County pro-life supporter who, by most accounts, was defending his son from repeated verbal harassment from a “patient escort” at a Planned Parenthood facility in Philadelphia. When the patient escort encroached on the 12-year-old’s personal space, Mr. Houck shoved the man away. Because the unnamed patient escort fell and needed the medical attention of a band-aid on his finger, the man sued Mr. Houck. Philadelphia District Court threw out the case, but U.S. Attorney Jacqueline Romero charged Mr. Houck federally with “attacking a patient escort,” which is a violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. Mark Houck faces 11 years in prison and $350,000 in fines if found guilty.

Although the Elian Gonzalez and Mark Houck legal issues are different, the overreaction and approach by the our Federal Government Agencies has not changed.

  • Where is the outrage for Mr. Houck or his family, who were terrorized at 7:00 am by 20 FBI agents invading their home with guns drawn? This man is not a terrorist, serial killer, or societal threat of any kind.
  • Where is the outrage that the U.S. Justice Department would use these methods to arrest an American citizen on charges that in most situations would be no more than a misdemeanor and which was dismissed by a district court?
  • Where is the outrage that the Federal Government seems to be using law enforcement agencies to intimidate Americans who may hold different views than the current administration?

We, at Keystone Fair Business Partners, are outraged and are trying to fight for the America that we once knew.

As G.K. Chesterton wrote, “It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It is that they can’t see the problem.”

We are trying to make sure that they see and understand the problems.