The results of the 2022 General Election are, for the most part, tallied and on their way to county certification. Although many would like to begin strategizing to mitigate any negative impact these elections may have on our businesses, communities, and families, we must also demand answers for questionable practices which occurred during this election cycle.

PA Department of State Gubernatorial Race
In Person Votes…Decreasing?

Click the image above to watch the video of votes loaded into SURE system.

The recording of votes is an additive process. As counties report their “in person” voting numbers to the state via an upload to the SURE system, vote totals for candidates increase. Yet, this video shows vote totals decreasing for all the candidates throughout the process. Were mistakes made in uploading figures and new uploads done? The people of this commonwealth deserve an answer. However, this activity is very reminiscent of a video we provided to you from the 2020 General Election in Chester County. For a refresher, please use this link:

Delaware County
Election Certification Challenge

Click on the picture above to see additional details of the Delaware County court filing challenging the certification of this election.

Poll watchers and election observers filed a complaint in Delaware County Court to stop the certification of the election until a hearing is held. The plaintiffs asserted that the truck with all the Delaware County ballots and v-drives did not go directly to the Wharf Building in Chester for counting. Instead, they claimed, the truck detoured to a closed building for six hours while observers were unable to oversee the security of the ballots or drives nor any actions regarding them. Additionally, among other things, they questioned the deletion of voter registrations after Election Day while the associated mail-in ballots for those registrations were counted for the election. The appearance of fraud does not mean that it occurred, however, once again, the people of Delaware County and Pennsylvania deserve answers.

After a 9 hour hearing on Monday, November 21, Judge Dozor, denied the petitioners’ request for an injunction, finding the testimony from the county workers to be “candid, competent and credible.” The petitioners were representing themselves in the matter and were unable to prove their case. Perhaps the county could provide more transparency around the election process with oversight from observers throughout. Such actions might stem suspicions and negate the need for further legal action.

Chester County
Mail-in Ballot Drop Box Changes

Many are concerned about the mail-in ballot process in Pennsylvania but a few citizens, not a political party, took it upon themselves to try to end bad practices. By reviewing video from a two-week period from one drop box in front of the Government Services Center in West Chester from the Primary Election of 2022, they found hundreds of people breaking the law by depositing more than their own ballot into the box. They filed a lawsuit requesting that drop boxes be eliminated unless they could be monitored and secured to ensure that only one ballot per person was deposited. After all, when we vote in person, we cannot sign or vote for a spouse, parent, or grown child, so it is not allowed for mail-in voting either.

As a result of the suit, Chester County changed their policies in the following ways:

  • All drop boxes would be manned by two people;
  • Drop box hours were limited to business hours and some night and weekend hours;
  • Voters were reminded to only place one’s own ballot in the box;
  • Cameras were installed on all drop boxes to record activity.

These common sense changes made a difference in Chester County with the mail-in ballot/drop box process and limited the number of incidents to only a few. It’s a shame that it took a lawsuit to “encourage” the county to do the right thing.

PA Attorney General/Governor Elect

As our Attorney General and newly elected Governor prepares to lead the commonwealth for the next four years, we will encourage him and his administration to consider the priorities that matter to Keystone Fair Business Partners and our members. We will continue to advocate for:

Inflation reduction
Energy price reductions & energy independence
Crime reduction & increased prosecutions
Parental rights
Illegal immigration solutions
Reduced taxes, government spending, & overreach
Eliminate censorship
Election integrity

Although Mr. Shapiro is currently working on protecting consumers from Ticketmaster, we will strive to enlighten him with the priorities that matter to us.

As G. K. Chesterton wrote, “It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It is that they can’t see the problem.”

We are trying to make sure that they see and understand the problems.